Product Warranty


We, SC JURY STARS SRL , having its registered office in Romania, Chitila City, Ilfov County, Str. Aurel Vlaicu 10, bl. F1, sc. 1, et. 1, apartment 7, with registration certificate J23/1915/2023 , CUI RO 47852068 , operator of the online store we ensure, guarantee and declare on our own responsibility, according to the provisions of art. 4 and 5 of Government Decision no. 1.022/2002 regarding the regime of products and services that may endanger life, health, work safety and environmental protection, that the products supplied by JURY STARS SRL , delivered with the attached invoice, do not endanger life, health, work safety, do not produce a negative impact on the environment and are in accordance with SR ISO 7173 and SR ISO 7174/1 standards.

The products sold with the attached invoice benefit from the minimum legal guarantee of 1-2 years for natural persons and 1 year for legal persons, from the date of purchase, as well as post-warranty service for a fee.
The average life of the products is 3 years unless otherwise specified in the product description pages.
During the warranty period, defective parts or subassemblies are repaired or replaced, at the supplier's expense, only if all the warranty conditions are met cumulatively. Otherwise, parts or sub-assemblies will be repaired/replaced exclusively at cost.
The supplier will choose the effective guarantee method (repair or replacement) according to the defect of the product and the costs involved, in the sense that the manufacturer cannot be obliged to replace a part if it can be repaired with the same functional results.

Warranty conditions:

In order to benefit from the warranty, the buyer is obliged to use the product properly, to keep the warranty certificate and to present it when making a complaint regarding product defects, all these conditions being cumulative. Failure to comply with one of them will result in the loss of the warranty.
The manufacturer is exempt from his obligations regarding the guarantee, if the defect occurred due to the consumer's non-compliance with the instructions for use, maintenance, handling and storage of the product. Likewise, interventions on the product by unauthorized persons lead to the loss of the warranty. Defects and repairs performed, as well as the mentions regarding them, will be entered in the warranty form.

The service unit that ensures maintenance and repairs within the warranty period is SC JURY STARS SRL , with its registered office in Romania, Str. Aurel Vlaicu 10, bl. F1, sc. 1, et. 1, apartment 7, Chitila, Ilfov, Phone: 0731 983 888 . The period for resolving the complaint is a maximum of 15 days from the date of notification, the guarantee being extended by the time the product was under repair.

Product maintenance conditions:

  • Cleaning the product with a soft cloth with special detergent;
  • Avoid the action of oily substances, hydrocarbons, etc. which may stain or damage the material;

No warranty is granted if the product has failed due to the following causes:

  • Fires, accidents, negligence in use, improper handling or transport, improper installations, if the transport or installation was carried out by any person other than the manufacturer, improper modifications or adaptations, natural calamities, (lightning, earthquake, floods);
  • The intervention of persons or service units not authorized by SC JURY STARS SRL leads to the loss of the guarantee;
  • Warranty repairs will not be carried out for apparent defects existing at the time of delivery and for which the buyer has signed the receipt report without objection;
  • These subassemblies will only be replaced at cost by the authorized service unit;
  • The warranty certificate is only valid when accompanied by the payment document issued when purchasing the products (fiscal/electronic invoice, fiscal receipt or courier receipt);
  • Correct handling of the volume knob while the (good) speaker is on 220V power.

If a repair or replacement cannot be carried out under warranty as a result of non-fulfillment of the conditions, the manufacturer will analyze the defect and draw up a repair quote detailing the work that needs to be done and their cost. If the buyer does not accept this quote, the manufacturer is not obliged to carry out the work, being exempted from any liability.

Consumer rights are in accordance with OG no. 21/1992 and. Law no. 449/2003 on the sale of products and their associated guarantees, republished.
Any new law or Government Decision will modify this Warranty Certificate according to the new regulations.