Privacy policy

The confidentiality of your personal data is one of the main concerns of JURY STARS SRL with headquarters in Ilfov, Chitila, Str. Aurel Vlaicu 10, bl. F1, sc. 1, et. 1, ap. 7, Romania, as data operator.

The purpose of this document is to inform you about the processing of your personal data, in the context of using the website, which we will refer to as "the website".


  1. Categories of personal data processed
  2. Purposes and grounds of processing
  3. The duration for which we process your data
  4. Disclosure of personal data
  5. Transfer of personal data
  6. The rights you benefit from
  7. Privacy of minors
  8. Changes in the privacy policy


A. If you are a client of the site, it will process your personal data, such as:

  • Name and surname
  • Phone number
  • email address
  • Billing address
  • Delivery address
  • Data related to how you use the site (for example, your behavior / preferences / habits within )
  • As well as any other categories of data that you provide directly in the context of creating a user account, in the context of placing an order through the website or in any other way resulting from the use of the website.

If you use your Facebook or Google account to create a user account on the site, it will process the following public profile data displayed by the respective applications: username, e-mail address.

If you choose to create a user account only before completing the order of a product available on the site, your e-mail address will be requested, based on which an account will be automatically created.

If you do not complete the order, the e-mail address and other data provided will not be stored by , and the created account will be deleted automatically.

B. If you are a visitor to the site, it will process your personal data that you provide:

  • Directly in the context of using the site, such as the data you provide in the contact / questions / complaints section, to the extent that you contact us in this way
  • Indirectly, data such as: IP address, browser used, browsing time, search history, operating system used, language and pages viewed, complete URLs, sequence of clicks to, through and from our site, information or products viewed / searched for, duration of visits to certain pages, information regarding the interaction with the pages (e.g. scrolling, clicks, mouse moves), data about user behavior.


A. If you are a client of the site, process your personal data as follows:

  • for the development of the contractual relationship between you and , respectively for taking over, validating, shipping and invoicing the order placed on the website, informing you about the status of the order, organizing the return of ordered products, etc.

Basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the contract concluded between you and , defined in the Terms and Conditions The provision of your personal data is necessary for the execution of this contract. Refusal to provide data may result in the impossibility of carrying out contractual relations between you and JURY STARS SRL

  • for the fulfillment of legal obligations in the context of the services provided through the website, including the obligations in fiscal matters, as well as in matters of archiving.

Basis : The processing of your data for this purpose is necessary based on legal obligations. Providing your data for this purpose is necessary. Refusal to provide data may result in the impossibility of complying with the legal obligations that fall to him and therefore in the impossibility of offering you the services through the website.

  • for marketing activities , respectively for the transmission, by means of remote communication means (e-mail, sms), of commercial communications regarding the products and services offered by JURY STARS SRL through the website.

Basis : The processing of your data for this purpose is based on your consent, if you choose to provide it.

You can express your consent for the processing of data for this purpose by checking the appropriate box from the time of account creation, or after account creation, in the section of my account information.

To unsubscribe from receiving such commercial communications, you can use the option at the end of each e-mail/sms containing commercial communications. In addition, you can unsubscribe by accessing the "My account information" section.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. The refusal to provide consent for the processing of your data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

  • in order to carry out various analyses , reports on how the website works, creating consumer preference profiles, mainly in order to improve the experience offered on the website.

Basis : The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of permanently improving the customer experience on the site. Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusal to provide data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

B. If you are a visitor to the website, JURY STARS SRL processes your personal data as follows:

  • for marketing activities , respectively for the transmission, by means of remote communication means (e-mail, sms), of commercial communications regarding the products and services offered by JURY STARS SRL , through the website.

Basis : The processing of your data for this purpose is based on your consent, if you choose to provide it.

You can express your consent for data processing for this purpose by completing and checking the appropriate box in the form for subscribing to the newsletter available on the website.

To unsubscribe from receiving such commercial communications, you can use the option at the end of each e-mail/sms containing commercial communications.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. The refusal to provide consent for the processing of your data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

  • to resolve complaints and to monitor traffic and improve your experience on the site.

Basis : The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of JURY STARS SRL to ensure the correct functioning of the site, as well as to permanently improve the experience of site visitors, including by solving various comments, questions or complaints.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusal to provide data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.


JURY STARS SRL will process your personal data as much as is necessary to achieve the processing purposes mentioned above.

If you are a customer, we will process your data for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and subsequently according to the legal obligations that fall under the responsibility (for example, in the case of financial and accounting supporting documents for which the retention period provided by law is 10 years at the end of the financial year during which they were drawn up).

If you are a customer and exercise the option to delete your user account, by pressing the "delete account" button in the "my account information" section, you will interpret this action as your option to unsubscribe from receiving commercial communications through that we keep you informed about the products and services offered through the site.

In this sense, if you choose to delete your user account, we will no longer send you e-mails and / or sms of this kind.

However, we would like to inform you that deleting the account will not automatically delete your personal data.

If you wish to stop processing your personal data or if you wish to delete the data, you can exercise the rights detailed in point 6 below.

If you request the deletion of the account, but there is at least one active order on that account, the request to delete the account can only be registered after the delivery of the products and the completion of the last active order.

If you withdraw your consent for data processing for marketing purposes, the processing of your personal data for this purpose will stop, but without affecting the processing carried out on the basis of the consent expressed by you before its withdrawal.


We do not rent / sell your personal data to third parties.

In addition to the operator, in certain situations, the data may be accessible to third parties such as service providers, transport operators, hosting providers, IT companies, named, if necessary, as authorized persons by the Operator.

They are obliged by contract to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to use them exclusively for the purpose for which they were provided.

Also, we could disclose your personal data to the central / local public authorities, in the following exemplary cases listed:

  • for website administration
  • in situations where this communication would be necessary for awarding prizes or other facilities to the persons concerned, obtained as a result of their participation in various promotional campaigns organized by JURY STARS SRL through the website;
  • for maintaining, personalizing and improving the website and the services provided through it
  • for performing data analysis, testing and research, monitoring usage and activity trends, developing security features and user authentication
  • for the transmission of commercial marketing communications, under the conditions and limits provided by law
  • when the disclosure of personal data is provided by law, etc.


The personal data provided to JURY STARS SRL can be transferred outside of Romania, but only to countries in the European Union.


Under the conditions provided by the legislation on the processing of personal data, as data subjects, you benefit from the following rights:

  • the right to information - the right to receive details regarding the processing activities carried out by JURY STARS SRL according to what is described in this document;
  • the right of access to data the right to obtain confirmation from JURY STARS SRL regarding the processing of personal data, as well as details regarding the processing activities such as the manner in which the data are processed, the purpose for which the processing is done, the recipients or categories of recipients of the data, etc. ;
  • the right to rectification - the right to obtain the correction, without justified delays, by JURY STARS SRL of inaccurate/unjustified personal data, as well as the completion of incomplete data;
  • the right to delete data , without undue delay, ("the right to be forgotten") - certain conditions apply; It is possible, following the data deletion request, to anonymize these data (thus depriving them of their personal character) and to continue processing for statistical purposes under these conditions;
  • the right to restrict processing , under certain conditions;
  • the right to data portability - the right to receive personal data in a structured way, commonly used and in an easy-to-read format, as well as the right for these data to be transmitted by another data operator, to the extent that they are fulfilled the conditions stipulated by the law;
  • the right to opposition
    - regarding the processing activities, it can be exercised by sending a request according to those indicated below;
    - at any time, for reasons related to the particular situation in which the data subject finds himself, that the data concerning him be processed on the basis of his legitimate interest or on the basis of the public interest, with the exception of cases in which he can demonstrate that he has legitimate and compelling reasons that justifies the processing and that prevails over the interests, rights and freedoms of the persons concerned or that the purpose is to establish, exercise or defend a right in court;
    - at any time, free of charge and without any justification, that the data concerning her be processed for direct marketing purposes.
  • the right not to be subject to an automatic individual decision the right not to be the subject of a decision made solely on the basis of automatic processing activities, including the creation of profiles, which produce legal effects that concern the data subject or affect him in a similar way in a significant measure;
  • the right to address the Authority National supervisory authorities of the Processing of Personal Data or the competent courts, to the extent deemed necessary.

For any additional questions regarding how personal data is processed and to exercise the rights mentioned above, please contact the email address:


JURY STARS SRL does not knowingly contact or collect information from persons under the age of 18. The website is not intended to solicit information of any kind from persons under the age of 18.

If we mistakenly come into possession of such information and are made aware of it, we will obtain appropriate parental consent to use this information or, if this is not possible, we will delete the information from our servers.

If you wish to notify us of receiving information about persons under the age of 18, please contact us by email at


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy. In case of major changes in the future, you will be notified by email (if possible) or by displaying a specific message on the website.

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